When to fertilize?
Two major fertilization seasons are to be preferred:
Spring fertilization:
Now is the time to make the nutrients available to the roots of your plants.
If you only need to fertilize once, prefer spring (April to June).
Spring is the time to satisfy the appetite of plants at the start of vegetation. You can "calibrate" your fertilizer inputs to the start of vegetation.
For your comfort, the use of “Osmocote Exact” type programmed-release fertilizer provides all the nutrients necessary for the good development of your plants, in proportion to their needs, throughout the growing season, thus limiting pollution by leaching and waste of natural resources.
More information: Exact Osmocote
How to fertilize in the spring?
Spring fertilization is also called “maintenance manure”. It applies at the beginning and during vegetation. Liquid fertilizers and soluble powders are faster to assimilate because they are immediately diluted in the soil, and their effect is immediate but of short duration. Fertil'canne can allow you this "boost" contribution without waste, but be careful, avoid overdoses. Solid fertilizers (in the form of granules, pellets, pellets, etc.) will have a more lasting effect (depending on formulation), over the entire vegetation period. Incorporated into the soil with Fertil'canne®, they will be effective immediately and over time.
Fall fertilization:
This is the time to reserve nutrients in the soil for the following spring.
Autumn is indeed the time to create “food” reserves in the soil.
Nitrogen: provided in organic form (not soluble in water to avoid any risk of leaching), it will remain in the soil while waiting for the heat of the first rays of the spring sun. The micro-organisms (bacteria) will then transform this organic nitrogen into food for the plant (nitrates, etc.), just when it needs it.
A supply of Nitrogen in the form of organic granules in autumn prepares the good development of plants for spring.
Phosphorus, Potash and Magnesium: these are “basic fertilizers”. During autumn and winter, phosphorus, potash and magnesium will remain stored in the soil, and will be available to the roots of the plant for the resumption of vegetation in the spring.
You can add these three elements in the fall if your soil is quite consistent (“heavy” soil), they will remain stored in the soil without the risk of being washed away. If your soil is said to be "light", prefer a supply of these elements in the spring.
Why fertilize in the fall?
Autumn fertilization is also called “basal fertilizer” or “reserve fertilizer”. It must be buried in the ground. On crops already established but which are weakening, a manure rich in phosphorus, potash and magnesium will improve the fertility of the soil and allow a more vigorous recovery. In poor soil, organic nitrogen will stimulate the microbial life necessary for plant life. Bacteria live thanks to the organic nitrogen that they transform.
General remark on fertilization.
Producing as much or even more with fewer synthetic inputs is a real challenge. If currently, we focus rather on the reduction of phytosanitary products, fertilization is not less concerned and this for several reasons. First of all, the price of fertilizers should tend to increase due to supply and demand and energy cost reasons.
Moreover, P (phosphorus) and K (potash) are not renewable resources and the reserves being frozen, the supply will decrease, causing additional pressure on the markets. Finally, there are environmental considerations: eutrophication, greenhouse gas emissions (nitrogen fertilization being the main source of greenhouse gas emissions in plant production)... Optimization of fertilization, even at very small scale is therefore not to be neglected.
Playing on the spatial location of the contribution is an answer to these questions: we speak of localized fertilization.